




実用英語検定1級に出るYes/No Questionの英作文は、ビジネス、社会問題、科学技術、文化、国際関係など様々なトピックが出題されます。以下に代表的な20の話題を紹介します。


IELTS 7.0 (スピーキング・リーディング7.5)
普通教員免許 英語(中学・高校)保持

● Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
● Give THREE reasons to support your answer.
● Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion
● Suggested length: 200–240 words

  1. Should companies be allowed to use personal data for targeted advertising?
  2. Is remote work the future of employment?
  3. Can renewable energy completely replace fossil fuels?
  4. Should governments regulate the use of artificial intelligence?
  5. Is social media a positive or negative influence on society?
  6. Should college education be free for everyone?
  7. Is climate change caused by human activities?
  8. Can automation create more jobs than it eliminates?
  9. Should vaccination be mandatory for all?
  10. Is globalization beneficial for developing countries?
  11. Can virtual reality replace in-person experiences?
  12. Should plastic bags be banned?
  13. Is it ethical to use animals for scientific research?
  14. Should autonomous vehicles be allowed on public roads?
  15. Can blockchain technology revolutionize industries?
  16. Should censorship be allowed on the internet?
  17. Is online shopping more convenient than in-store shopping?
  18. Should genetically modified foods be labeled?
  19. Is there a limit to economic growth?
  20. Should art be censored for its content?



【トピック】Should companies be allowed to use personal data for targeted advertising?

【序論】 The use of personal data for targeted advertising has become a common practice for many companies. However, there are concerns about the privacy of individuals and the potential for misuse of personal information. This raises the question of whether companies should be allowed to use personal data for targeted advertising.

【本文1】 One argument in favor of allowing companies to use personal data for targeted advertising is that it can provide more relevant and personalized ads to consumers. This can lead to a better user experience and potentially higher sales for companies. Additionally, companies can use data to better understand consumer preferences and behavior, which can help them improve their products and services.

【本文2】 However, there are also concerns about the potential misuse of personal data, such as identity theft or fraud. In addition, some consumers may feel uncomfortable with the collection and use of their personal information without their explicit consent. Therefore, it is important to establish clear regulations and guidelines to ensure that personal data is collected and used in a responsible and ethical manner.

【本文3】 Furthermore, there is a need for transparency and accountability in the use of personal data for targeted advertising. Companies should clearly communicate their data collection and use policies to consumers, and provide them with options to opt-out if they do not want their data to be used for targeted advertising. Additionally, governments can play a role in regulating the use of personal data, and enforcing penalties for companies that violate privacy laws.

【結論】 In conclusion, while there are potential benefits to using personal data for targeted advertising, it is important to balance these with the privacy concerns and potential for misuse. Companies should be held accountable for their use of personal data, and regulations should be put in place to protect consumer privacy.

【トピック】Should plastic bags be banned? 

The issue of banning plastic bags has been a topic of debate in recent years. Many people believe that plastic bags are harmful to the environment, and their usage should be limited or banned. In this essay, I will examine the arguments for and against the ban on plastic bags and provide my opinion on this issue.

One of the main arguments in favor of banning plastic bags is that they are a significant source of environmental pollution. Plastic bags take hundreds of years to decompose, and they often end up in landfills or oceans, where they harm wildlife and contribute to the growing problem of plastic waste. A ban on plastic bags would encourage people to use alternatives, such as reusable bags, which are more environmentally friendly.

On the other hand, opponents of the plastic bag ban argue that it would lead to increased costs for businesses and consumers. Plastic bags are cheaper to produce and distribute than alternatives such as paper or cloth bags. A ban would also require additional resources for enforcement, and it may not be practical or feasible to implement in all areas.

Another argument against the ban on plastic bags is that they are more hygienic than other types of bags. Plastic bags are disposable, which means that they can be used once and then discarded, reducing the risk of contamination or the spread of disease. Reusable bags, on the other hand, require regular cleaning, which may not be practical or feasible for all consumers.

In my opinion, the benefits of banning plastic bags outweigh the costs. While there may be some initial inconvenience and additional costs associated with the ban, the long-term benefits for the environment and public health make it a worthwhile investment. A ban on plastic bags would encourage people to be more conscious of their consumption habits and reduce their reliance on single-use plastic, ultimately leading to a cleaner and healthier planet for future generations.


  1. 内容 課題で求められている内容(意見とそれに沿った理由)が含まれているかどうか
  2. 構成 英文の構成や流れがわかりやすく論理的であるか
  3. 語彙 課題に相応しい語彙を正しく使えているか
  4. 文法 文構造のバリエーションやそれらを正しく使えているか





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