
ielts_writing_task2 (1)



IELTSライティングタスク2: サンプル問題と回答例


今回は、IELTSのWriting Task 2に焦点を当てて記事を書いています。

Task 2では、与えられたトピックに関して250語程度のエッセイを書くことが求められます。まず、例題を見てみましょう。その後、回答例とその構成を解説していきます。




実際の問題は以下のケンブリッジ大学(University of Cambridge)のIELTSに関するページで無料でサンプルテストが解けますよ。

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) preparation | Cambridge English ... Free IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test preparation including official support materials and tips for your exam day.


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IELTS Writing Task 2 例題1




It is said that advancements in technology have led to a reduction in working hours for many people. However, some argue that this has a negative impact on achieving a balance between work and family life. Which opinion do you agree with? Please state your reasons.



本論1 (テクノロジーによる労働時間の短縮):

本論2 (労働時間の短縮が家庭と仕事のバランスに悪影響を及ぼす):


In recent years, rapid advancements in technology have led to a reduction in working hours for many people. On the other hand, there are opinions that this negatively affects the balance between work and family life. In this essay, I will examine both sides of the argument and clarify my stance.

Body Paragraph 1 (Reduction of working hours due to technology):
Technological progress has made many jobs more efficient, leading to a decrease in working hours. For example, the introduction of AI and robotic technologies has reduced the burden on workers in manufacturing and service industries. As a result, workers have more free time, allowing them to devote time to their families and hobbies.

Body Paragraph 2 (Negative impact of reduced working hours on work-life balance):
However, there are also opinions that the reduction of working hours worsens the balance between work and family life. As work becomes more efficient due to technology, companies tend to demand more results from their employees. Furthermore, the amount of work being taken home has increased, leading to a higher proportion of work being done during family time. Consequently, the boundaries between work and family life become blurred, potentially leading to increased stress.

In summary, the reduction of working hours due to technological advancements has both positive and negative aspects on the balance between work and family life. While having more free time is appealing to workers, it is also important to find a balance as work pressures and the amount of work being taken home may increase. Companies and governments should consider measures to improve workers’ welfare and support a healthy work-life balance through work style reforms.

この回答例では、イントロダクションで問題の背景と自分の立場を述べ、本論で両意見の根拠を説明し、結論で総括しました。このような構成を意識してエッセイを書くことで、Task 2で高得点を狙うことができます。

IELTS Writing Task 2 例題2


例題: インターネットの普及により、ニュースはオンラインで手に入るようになりました。一部の人々は、新聞はもはや必要ないと考えていますが、他の人々は新聞の重要性を主張しています。あなたはどちらの意見に賛成ですか?理由を述べてください。

Example question:
With the spread of the internet, news is now readily available online. Some people believe that newspapers are no longer necessary, while others argue for the importance of newspapers. Which opinion do you agree with? Please state your reasons.


イントロダクション: インターネットの普及に伴い、多くの人々がオンラインニュースを利用しています。これにより、新聞の必要性について議論が起こっています。本エッセイでは、両者の意見を検討し、私の立場を明確にします。

本論1 (新聞はもはや必要ない): インターネットが広まることで、多くの人々はオンラインでニュースを手に入れることができます。オンラインニュースの利点は、リアルタイムで最新情報が得られることや、検索機能を使って関心のあるトピックを簡単に見つけられることです。また、オンラインニュースは環境にも優しいため、新聞を印刷する必要がなくなります。

本論2 (新聞の重要性を主張): しかしながら、新聞の重要性を主張する人々もいます。新聞は編集された情報源であり、信頼性や質が保証されているとされます。また、新聞は広告収入に依存しており、オンラインニュースが持つ広告の追跡やプライバシー侵害の問題がないという利点があります。さらに、特に高齢者にとっては、新聞が使い慣れた情報源であり、デジタル機器への適応が困難な場合でもアクセスしやすいという点が重要です。

結論: 総じて、インターネットの普及によりオンラインニュースが増える中で、新聞の必要性については議論が分かれます。オンラインニュースは便利で環境に優しい一方で、新聞は信頼性やプライバシーの面で優れています。私は、両者が共存し、利用者のニーズに応じて選択できる状況が理想的だと考えます。

Sample answer:

As the internet has become widespread, many people now access news online. This has led to a debate on the necessity of newspapers. In this essay, I will examine both sides of the argument and clarify my stance.

Body Paragraph 1 (Newspapers are no longer necessary):
With the spread of the internet, many people can now access news online. The advantages of online news include getting the latest information in real-time and easily finding topics of interest using search functions. Moreover, online news is more environmentally friendly, as there is no need to print newspapers.

Body Paragraph 2 (Arguing for the importance of newspapers):
However, there are also those who argue for the importance of newspapers. Newspapers are edited sources of information, with their reliability and quality assured. Furthermore, newspapers depend on advertising revenue, which means they do not have the issues of ad tracking and privacy invasion that online news sources may have. Additionally, for some, especially the elderly, newspapers are a familiar source of information that is easily accessible, even when adapting to digital devices is difficult.

In general, as online news sources increase with the spread of the internet, there is a divided opinion on the necessity of newspapers. While online news is convenient and environmentally friendly, newspapers excel in terms of reliability and privacy. I believe that an ideal situation would be one where both coexist and users can choose based on their needs.

この回答例では、イントロダクションで問題の背景と自分の立場を述べ、本論で両意見の根拠を説明し、結論で総括しました。このような構成を意識してエッセイを書くことで、Task 2で高得点を狙うことができます。


IELTS Writing Task 2 例題3


例題: 若者が増え続ける都市部に住む傾向がありますが、一部の人々は地方での生活がより良いと考えています。あなたはどちらの意見に賛成ですか?理由を述べてください。

Example question:
There is a tendency for young people to increasingly live in urban areas, but some people believe that life in rural areas is better. Which opinion do you agree with? Please state your reasons.




本論1 (都市部での生活の利点):

本論2 (地方での生活の利点):


Sample answer:

In modern society, there is a growing trend for young people to migrate to urban areas. However, some people argue that living in rural areas is better. In this essay, I will examine both sides of the argument and clarify my stance.

Body Paragraph 1 (Advantages of living in urban areas):
There are many advantages to living in urban areas. Firstly, urban areas offer a wide range of employment opportunities, expanding career choices. Moreover, public transportation is well-developed in urban areas, making it easy to get around. Additionally, the convenience of shopping, entertainment, and educational institutions is also appealing.

Body Paragraph 2 (Advantages of living in rural areas):
On the other hand, living in rural areas has its attractions as well. In rural areas, you can enjoy a relaxed lifestyle surrounded by nature, which may help reduce stress. Furthermore, rural communities are close-knit, allowing people to support one another in their daily lives. Additionally, the cost of living is often lower in rural areas compared to urban areas, which can be a financial advantage.

In general, both urban and rural living have their respective advantages. Urban areas offer career opportunities and convenience, while rural areas emphasize the natural environment and community connections. Personally, I find both lifestyles appealing, but I believe the choice should vary depending on individual values and lifestyles.

この回答例では、イントロダクションで問題の背景と自分の立場を述べ、本論で両意見の根拠を説明し、結論で総括しました。このような構成を意識してエッセイを書くことで、Task 2で高得点を狙うことができます。

IELTS ライティングタスク2 まとめ

今回のブログでは、IELTSのWriting Task 2における3つの例題と回答例を紹介しました。これらの例文を参考に、自分自身でエッセイを書く際に活用してください。また、練習を重ねることで、エッセイの構成や表現力が向上し、高得点を目指すことができるでしょう。




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