





最新の例題を知り、Part 3の目的である自分の考えや意見、論点を明確かつ流暢に表現し、議論する練習をすることで目標スコアが効果的に狙えます。


IELTS 7.0 (スピーキング・リーディング7.5)
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IELTS スピーキング パート3 最新出題例10


IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test format | Cambridge English ... Detailed information about the Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking papers for IELTS test.

IELTS 最新トピック例10

2023年現在の最新のIELTS Speaking Part 3の例題です。

  1. テクノロジーとコミュニケーション
  2. 環境問題と持続可能性
  3. 教育とオンライン学習
  4. 働き方の変化
  5. 健康とウェルネス
  6. 都市化と交通問題
  7. 文化の多様性と国際化
  8. 食品と飲料の選択
  9. 社会的メディアとプライバシー
  10. 芸術とエンターテインメント

以上がIELTS Speaking Part 3の最近のトレンドとなっています。しっかりとした意見や具体的な例を挙げながら、序論、本論、結論の構成を用いて意見を述べることで目標スコアが狙えます。




  1. テクノロジーとコミュニケーション

質問: How do people use the latest technology to communicate nowadays?

回答: Nowadays, people utilize the latest technology in various ways to communicate. For instance, platforms like video conferencing apps have become indispensable for business meetings and connecting with friends and family across distances. Social media platforms also play a significant role, enabling us to share our experiences and thoughts instantly. Additionally, messaging apps and voice assistants simplify day-to-day communication tasks, making our lives more efficient.

  1. 環境問題と持続可能性

質問: What measures has your country taken regarding the latest environmental concerns?

回答: In my country, there has been a growing emphasis on addressing the latest environmental concerns. For example, we’ve seen a push towards renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce our carbon footprint. Moreover, there’s been a noticeable increase in recycling initiatives, with dedicated programs to encourage households and businesses to separate their waste for recycling. Additionally, stricter regulations have been implemented to curb air and water pollution from industries.

  1. 教育とオンライン学習

質問: How do you think online learning and the availability of information on the internet have affected the education system?

回答: The impact of online learning and the abundance of information on the internet on the education system has been profound. Nowadays, students have access to a wealth of knowledge beyond traditional textbooks, allowing them to explore diverse perspectives and conduct in-depth research. Online courses have also democratized education, enabling people from all walks of life to acquire new skills. However, this shift has raised discussions about the role of teachers and the importance of face-to-face interactions in the learning process.

  1. 働き方の変化

質問: What are the reasons behind the increasing trend of remote work and flexible working arrangements?

回答: The rise of remote work and flexible working arrangements can be attributed to several factors. First, advancements in communication technology make it possible to collaborate effectively from different locations. Second, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this trend as companies sought ways to ensure business continuity while prioritizing employee safety. Additionally, the desire for better work-life balance and the potential to tap into a global talent pool drive the adoption of these new work paradigms.

  1. 健康とウェルネス

質問: Could you discuss some of the latest health trends and fitness approaches?

回答: Certainly. One recent health trend is the growing interest in mindfulness and mental well-being. Practices like meditation and yoga have gained popularity as people recognize the importance of mental health. Another trend is the focus on personalized fitness. With the help of wearable devices and apps, individuals can track their physical activity, monitor their sleep patterns, and even receive tailored workout routines and nutrition advice. These trends reflect a shift towards holistic health rather than just physical fitness.

  1. 都市化と交通問題

質問: How has urbanization impacted traffic congestion and the importance of public transportation?

回答: Urbanization has significantly contributed to traffic congestion in cities. As populations grow and more people rely on private vehicles, roads become congested, leading to longer commute times and increased air pollution. To address this, the importance of efficient public transportation systems has grown. Cities are investing in modernizing public transit options, such as subways, buses, and even bike-sharing programs. This not only reduces traffic congestion but also promotes sustainability and reduces the carbon footprint of urban living.

  1. 文化の多様性と国際化

質問: How do you think global trends have affected cultural diversity and international interactions?

回答: Global trends have both enriched cultural diversity and fostered international interactions. The ease of travel and communication has allowed people from different cultures to interact more frequently, leading to the exchange of traditions, ideas, and experiences. However, there’s a concern that some local cultures might be overshadowed by dominant global trends. Striking a balance between embracing international influences while preserving cultural heritage has become crucial in maintaining a diverse and interconnected world.

  1. 食品と飲料の選択

質問: How have people’s choices regarding food and beverages changed recently?

回答: Recent years have witnessed notable changes in people’s preferences for food and beverages. There’s a growing emphasis on healthy eating, with more individuals opting for organic, locally sourced, and whole foods. Plant-based diets and alternatives to traditional animal-based products have gained popularity due to health and environmental concerns. Additionally, people are more conscious of the impact of their food choices, leading to a surge in sustainable and eco-friendly packaging practices.

  1. 社会的メディアとプライバシー

質問: How has the prevalence of social media raised concerns about individual privacy?

回答: The prevalence of social media has sparked concerns about individual privacy on various fronts. With the sharing of personal information and updates online, there’s a risk of unauthorized access and misuse of data. Moreover, targeted advertising and data collection practices have raised ethical questions about the extent to which our online behaviors are monitored. This has led to discussions about the need for better regulations and user awareness regarding data privacy and security.

  1. 芸術とエンターテインメント

質問: How are arts and entertainment, such as movies and music, intertwined with the latest technology?

回答: Arts and entertainment have experienced a profound transformation due to the integration of the latest technology. For example, advancements in CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery) have revolutionized the film industry, enabling filmmakers to create visually stunning and immersive experiences. Music streaming platforms have changed the way we consume music, making it accessible anytime and anywhere. Virtual reality and augmented reality are also shaping new possibilities for interactive and immersive entertainment experiences, blurring the lines between the virtual and real worlds.

アイエルツ スピーキング パート3 まとめ



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