

IELTS Speaking Part 3セクションは、自分の意見やアイデアを明確かつ首尾一貫して表現する能力が試されるIELTSテストの中でも重要なセクションです。
このブログ記事では、質問例と関連するフォローアップ質問、そしてそれぞれのBand 7.0の解答をご紹介します。これらの例を参考に、独学や無料でIELTSスピーキングテスの準備ができます。


IELTSスピーキングパート3 問題プール

以下はケンブリッジ大学(University of Cambridge)のIELTSに関するページで無料でサンプルテストが解けます
例題1 科学技術

Sample Question 1:
Do you think that technology has made people more or less creative?
Band 7.0 Answer:
In my opinion, technology has both positive and negative effects on creativity. On one hand, it has made people more creative by providing them with a plethora of tools and resources to express themselves. For instance, artists can now use digital platforms to create and share their work, while writers have access to word processing software that makes it easier to produce and edit their texts.
バンド 7.0 回答
Related Follow-up Question:
How can technology be used to enhance creativity in people?
On the other hand, technology can also lead to a decrease in creativity, as it can make people overly reliant on it. With the availability of pre-made templates and online tutorials, some individuals might not feel the need to think outside the box and develop their own creative solutions. In order to enhance creativity, technology should be used as a means to support and expand the creative process, rather than replacing it. This can be achieved by offering more opportunities for collaboration, encouraging experimentation, and providing training in using technological tools to their fullest potential.

例題2 科学技術

Sample Question 2:
How important is it for countries to invest in scientific research?
Band 7.0 Answer:
Investing in scientific research is of paramount importance for countries, as it drives innovation, improves the quality of life, and contributes to economic growth. Scientific discoveries and advancements can lead to the development of new products and services, create jobs, and enhance competitiveness in the global market.
バンド 7.0 回答
Related Follow-up Question:
What are the potential drawbacks of not investing enough in scientific research?
On the other hand, not investing enough in scientific research can have several negative consequences. For one, a country may become reliant on importing technology and expertise from other nations, which could be both expensive and unsustainable in the long term. Furthermore, without sufficient investment in research, the progress of vital fields such as medicine, agriculture, and renewable energy could be hindered, potentially affecting the well-being of the population and the environment. Lastly, a lack of investment in scientific research may lead to a brain drain, as talented researchers and scientists might choose to relocate to countries that offer better resources and opportunities.

“On the same wavelength” – 日本語訳:同じ波長に乗っている
例: “John and I are always on the same wavelength when it comes to technological trends.”(ジョンと私はテクノロジーのトレンドについていつも同じ波長に乗っています)
“To push the envelope” – 日本語訳:限界を突破する
例: “This new software really pushes the envelope in terms of what we thought was possible.”(この新しいソフトウェアは、私たちが可能だと思っていたことの限界を本当に突破しています)
“In the loop” – 日本語訳:情報を共有する、情報を得ている
例: “Make sure to keep me in the loop about the latest tech updates.”(最新のテクノロジーのアップデートについては、必ず私に情報を共有してください)
“To pull the plug” – 日本語訳:中止する
例: “If this project continues to go over budget, we may have to pull the plug.”(このプロジェクトが予算を超過し続けるなら、私たちは中止する必要があるかもしれません)
“Reinvent the wheel” – 日本語訳:車輪の再発明(無駄な労力を使う)
例: “We don’t need to reinvent the wheel; there’s already software that does this.”(労力を使う必要はありません。すでにこれを行うソフトウェアが存在します)
“Cutting-edge” – 日本語訳:最先端の
例: “Our company is at the cutting edge of AI technology.”(私たちの会社はAIテクノロジーの最先端にあります)
“Plug and play” – 日本語訳:プラグ・アンド・プレイ(すぐに使える、設定不要の)
例: “This printer is plug and play, so you don’t need to install any software.”(このプリンターは設定不要なので、ソフトウェアをインストールする必要はありません)
“To surf the internet” – 日本語訳:インターネットサーフィンする
例: “I spent the whole evening surfing the internet.”(私は一晩中インターネットをサーフィンして過ごしました)
“Down to the wire” – 日本語訳:ギリギリまで
例: “The development of our new app went down to the wire, but we managed to launch it on time.”(新しいアプリの開発はギリギリまで行われましたが、時間通りにローンチすることができました)
“To hit a glitch” – 日本語訳:問題に遭遇する、トラブルに見舞われる
例: “We hit a glitch when trying to install the new software update.”(新しいソフトウェアのアップデートをインストールしようとしたときに問題に遭遇しました)


例題3 教育

Sample Question 3:
Do you believe that schools should focus more on developing students’ creativity?
Band 7.0 Answer:
Yes, I strongly believe that schools should focus more on developing students’ creativity. Creativity is a vital skill in the modern world, as it allows people to think critically, solve problems, and adapt to new situations. By nurturing creativity, schools can prepare students for the challenges they will face in the future.
Related Follow-up Question:
What are some ways schools can foster creativity in students?
There are several ways schools can foster creativity in students. First, they can offer a diverse curriculum that includes subjects like art, music, and drama, which are known to stimulate creative thinking. Second, teachers can encourage students to think critically and explore multiple solutions to problems, rather than simply memorizing facts and figures. This can be done by incorporating project-based learning, where students work collaboratively to solve real-world problems. Lastly, schools can create an environment that supports creativity by encouraging students to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them, without fear of judgment or failure.

“Learn the ropes” – 日本語訳:手続きを覚える、仕事のコツを覚える
例: “It took me a few months to learn the ropes at my new job.”(新しい仕事の手続きを覚えるのに数ヶ月かかりました)
“Hit the books” – 日本語訳:勉強を始める
例: “I need to hit the books tonight; I have a big exam tomorrow.”(今夜は勉強を始める必要があります。明日、大きな試験があるからです)
“Pass with flying colors” – 日本語訳:見事に合格する
例: “She passed her final exams with flying colors.”(彼女は見事に期末試験に合格しました)
“Teach someone a lesson” – 日本語訳:誰かに教訓を与える
例: “He needs to be taught a lesson so he won’t make the same mistake again.”(彼は同じ過ちを繰り返さないように、教訓を与える必要があります)
“A quick study” – 日本語訳:すぐに覚える人
例: “She’s a quick study; she learned the entire piano piece in a day.”(彼女はすぐに覚える人です。一日でピアノの曲全体を覚えました)
“Burn the midnight oil” – 日本語訳:夜更かしして働く、勉強する
例: “I had to burn the midnight oil to finish my term paper.”(私は期末論文を終えるために夜更かししなければなりませんでした)
“Back to the drawing board” – 日本語訳:最初からやり直す
例: “My thesis was rejected, so it’s back to the drawing board.”(私の論文は却下されたので、最初からやり直さなければなりません)
“The school of hard knocks” – 日本語訳:経験から学ぶ、人生の厳しい経験から学ぶ
例: “He didn’t go to college, but he learned a lot from the school of hard knocks.”(彼は大学に行きませんでしたが、厳しい人生の経験から多くを学びました)


例題4 伝統

Sample Question 4:
Do you think that the traditional ways of preserving memories, such as photo albums, will become obsolete due to advances in technology?
Band 7.0 Answer:
I believe that while technology has indeed transformed the way we preserve memories, traditional methods like photo albums will not become completely obsolete. Many people still appreciate the tangible aspect of physical photo albums and the nostalgia associated with flipping through their pages.
Related Follow-up Question:
How can technology be used to preserve memories more effectively?
However, technology undoubtedly offers a more efficient and convenient means of preserving memories. Cloud storage, for example, allows people to store and access their photos and videos from any device with an internet connection. Furthermore, digital memories can be easily shared with friends and family members through social media platforms, creating a more interactive experience. To effectively preserve memories, it’s essential to leverage the benefits of both traditional and technological methods, based on individual preferences and requirements.

“Old wives’ tale” – 日本語訳:昔話、迷信
例: “My grandmother always told me that walking under a ladder was bad luck, but it’s just an old wives’ tale.”(祖母は常に梯子の下を歩くと不運だと言っていましたが、それはただの迷信です)
“Stand the test of time” – 日本語訳:時間を経ても変わらない、長持ちする
例: “The traditions of our ancestors have stood the test of time.”(私たちの祖先の伝統は時間を経ても変わりません)
“Blast from the past” – 日本語訳:懐かしいもの、思い出
例: “Seeing that old traditional dress was a real blast from the past.”(その古い伝統的なドレスを見ると、本当に懐かしく感じました)
“Set in one’s ways” – 日本語訳:固定観念にとらわれる、頑固である
例: “My grandfather is set in his ways and likes to stick to his traditional routines.”(私の祖父は固定観念にとらわれ、伝統的なルーティーンを守るのが好きです)
“Go against the grain” – 日本語訳:常識に反する、一般的な考え方と異なる
例: “Choosing not to participate in the traditional ceremony might go against the grain, but it’s your decision.”(伝統的な儀式に参加しないという選択は一般的な考え方とは異なるかもしれませんが、それはあなたの決断です)
“Turn over a new leaf” – 日本語訳:心機一転する、新たな一歩を踏み出す
例: “This New Year, I decided to turn over a new leaf and continue the traditional practices of my family.”(この新年、私は心機一転し、家族の伝統的な習慣を続けることにしました)

例題5 町

Sample Question 5:
In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a densely populated city?
Living in a densely populated city offers several advantages. Firstly, there’s an abundance of cultural and entertainment options. Museums, theaters, art galleries, music concerts, and diverse cuisine are easily accessible, providing a vibrant and enriching lifestyle. Secondly, cities usually have better job opportunities, making it easier to find employment and advance one’s career. Thirdly, public transportation is often well-developed, reducing the need for private vehicles and contributing to lower carbon emissions. Lastly, cities tend to have modern healthcare facilities and educational institutions, ensuring easy access to quality services.
Related Follow-up Question:
What are some of the environmental challenges that cities face due to rapid urbanization?
Rapid urbanization poses several environmental challenges for cities. One significant issue is increased air pollution. The concentration of vehicles, industries, and construction activities in urban areas leads to higher levels of pollutants in the air, which can have adverse effects on respiratory health and overall air quality. Another challenge is the loss of green spaces and biodiversity. As cities expand, natural habitats are often destroyed or fragmented, leading to a decrease in plant and animal species diversity.
Waste management is also a pressing concern. The influx of population and consumption in urban areas generates a significant amount of waste, often overwhelming the existing waste management systems. This can result in improper disposal of waste, leading to pollution of water bodies and soil.
Moreover, rapid urbanization often strains water resources. The demand for water increases as more people move to cities, leading to over-extraction of groundwater and increased stress on local water sources. This can cause water scarcity and negatively impact aquatic ecosystems.


IELTS スピーキング パート3 例題まとめ

結論から言うとIELTS Speaking Part 3 のテストを準備しておくことは、高得点を獲得するために不可欠です。答えにくいトピックは例題を参考にご自身の意見が言えるよう準備しておくと安心です。
オンライン英会話などで、上記のような質問に答える練習をし、Band 7.0の回答に期待されることを理解することで、IELTSスピーキングテストで成功を収めるための道が開けます。頑張ってください!