IELTS スピーキングパート3の特徴

- How did you come up with this topic?
- What are the issues related to this topic in your country?
- How do you feel about these issues?
- How can you improve these issues?
- How did you obtain information about this topic?
- Do you know how this topic is perceived in other countries or cultures?
- What have you learned about this topic?
- Have you ever changed your mind about this topic?
- Do you know how people view this topic?
- If you were to give advice to others about this topic, what would you say?
- あなたはどのようにしてこのトピックについて思いつきましたか?
- あなたの国でこのトピックに関連する問題は何ですか?
- あなたはこれらの問題についてどのように感じていますか?
- あなたはこれらの問題をどのように改善することができますか?
- あなたはこのトピックについてどのように情報を得ましたか?
- このトピックについて他の国や文化ではどのように考えられているか知っていますか?
- あなたがこのトピックについて学んだことは何ですか?
- あなたはこのトピックについて考えを変えたことがありますか?
- このトピックについて人々がどのような見方を持っているか知っていますか?
- あなたがこのトピックについて他の人にアドバイスするとしたら、何を言いますか?

グローバリゼーション globalization
What do you think are the pros and cons of globalization?
回答例:I believe that one of the pros of globalization is that it has led to increased economic growth and development in many countries. On the other hand, a con of globalization is that it can lead to a loss of local cultures and traditions.
空気汚染 airpollution
What do you think are the main causes of air pollution, and how can we reduce it?
回答例:I think that one of the main causes of air pollution is the emissions from vehicles and factories. To reduce it, we could promote the use of public transportation and increase regulations on industrial emissions.
科学技術 technology
Do you think technology has had a positive or negative impact on society?
回答例:I believe that technology has had both positive and negative impacts on society. On one hand, it has led to increased efficiency and connectivity, but on the other hand, it has also led to increased isolation and a loss of interpersonal communication skills.
Do you think technology makes people less sociable?
回答例:I believe it’s a double-edged sword. While technology, particularly smartphones and social media, can isolate individuals by causing them to spend too much time online, it also provides a platform for people to connect and communicate with others worldwide. So, it depends on how we use it.
政治 politics
How do you think we can encourage more people to take an interest in politics?
回答例:I think that we could encourage more people to take an interest in politics by making it more accessible and relevant to their daily lives. This could involve simplifying political jargon and increasing public education on political issues.
生活 living
In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city?
回答例:I think that one of the advantages of living in a big city is the access to a wider variety of job opportunities and cultural events. However, a disadvantage could be the high cost of living and the increased stress of city life.
あなたの意見では、大都市で生活する利点と欠点は何ですか? 回答例:私は、大都市で生活する利点の一つは、さまざまな雇用機会や文化イベントへのアクセスが広がることだと思います。ただし、欠点は生活費が高くなることや都市生活のストレスが増すことが挙げられます。
What are the advantages and disadvantages of urban living?
回答例: Urban living offers many advantages such as access to better job opportunities, cultural experiences, and services. However, it also comes with disadvantages like noise, pollution, high cost of living, and often a lack of community feeling.
How important is it for children to play outdoors?
回答例: It’s extremely important for children to play outdoors. Outdoor play contributes to their physical health, improves their motor skills, and encourages creativity. It also provides them with opportunities to socialize with other kids and understand
回答例: 子どもたちが屋外で遊ぶことは、非常に重要です。屋外で遊ぶことは、体の健康に役立ち、運動能力を高め、創造性を高めることになります。また、他の子供たちと交流する機会もあり、理解も深まります。
第二言語 a second language
Do you think it’s important for people to learn a second language? Why or why not?
回答例:I think it is important for people to learn a second language because it can open up new opportunities for communication and cultural exchange. Additionally, it can improve cognitive function and lead to personal growth and development.
教育 education
How do you think the education system could be improved?
回答例:I believe that the education system could be improved by providing more individualized learning experiences and increasing opportunities for practical, hands-on learning. Additionally, reducing the emphasis on standardized testing could lead to a more well-rounded education.
How has the role of teachers changed in the past few decades?
回答例: The role of teachers has evolved significantly over the years. In the past, they were primarily dispensers of knowledge, but today they act more as guides or facilitators, helping students to discover and construct knowledge for themselves. Technology has also changed their role as they now incorporate various digital tools into their teaching.
回答: 教師の役割は、ここ数年で大きく変化しています。以前は、教師は主に知識を与える存在でしたが、今日では、生徒が自分で知識を発見し、構築できるように手助けする、ガイドやファシリテーターとしての役割が強くなっています。また、テクノロジーも教師の役割を変え、さまざまなデジタルツールを授業に取り入れるようになりました。
Is it essential to have a university degree to be successful in today’s world?
回答例: While having a university degree can provide certain opportunities and open doors, I don’t believe it’s essential for success. Many successful people in fields like technology, arts, and entrepreneurship have thrived without a formal degree. It’s more about skills, creativity, perseverance, and sometimes, being in the right place at the right time.
回答例: 大学の学位を持っていれば、一定の機会や扉を開くことができますが、成功するために必要不可欠だとは思っていません。テクノロジー、芸術、起業などの分野で成功した人の多くは、正式な学位を持っていなくても成功を収めています。それよりも、スキルや創造性、忍耐力、そして時には適切な時期に適切な場所にいることが重要なのです。
ソーシャルメディア social media
What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks of using social media?
回答例:I believe that one of the benefits of using social media is the ability to connect with others and share ideas and experiences. However, a drawback could be the potential for addiction and the negative impact it can have on mental health.
環境 environment
What are your thoughts on the current state of the environment?
回答例:I believe that the current state of the environment is concerning and requires immediate action. Climate change and pollution are serious issues that require global cooperation and a concerted effort to reduce our impact on the environment.
仕事 job
How do you think advancements in technology will affect the job market in the future?
回答例:I think advancements in technology will lead to increased automation and potentially lead to job displacement in certain industries. However, it can also create new job opportunities in fields related to technology and innovation.
Should companies be responsible for their employees’ wellbeing?
回答例: Absolutely. Companies should care for their employees’ wellbeing. It not only shows respect for their employees, but also it can boost productivity and job satisfaction. Measures could include flexible working hours, provision of health care benefits, and ensuring a safe and healthy work environment.

伝統 tradition
How important is it to preserve traditional crafts in the modern age?
回答例: In my opinion, preserving traditional crafts is quite crucial. They reflect our culture, history, and identity. Even though we are in the digital age, these crafts connect us to our roots and provide a sense of continuity and connection to our past.
回答: 伝統工芸を守ることは、非常に重要だと思います。伝統工芸品は、私たちの文化や歴史、そしてアイデンティティを反映しています。デジタル時代になったとはいえ、これらの工芸品は私たちのルーツとつながり、過去との連続性やつながりを感じさせてくれるものです。
健康 health
What role should governments play in promoting healthy lifestyles?
回答例: Governments should play a significant role in promoting healthy lifestyles. They can implement policies, create public health campaigns, and provide facilities for exercise. Also, they can regulate the food industry to reduce the amount of unhealthy food available to the public.
回答例: 政府は、健康的なライフスタイルを促進するために重要な役割を果たすべきです。政府は、政策を実施し、公衆衛生キャンペーンを行い、運動のための施設を提供することができます。また、食品業界を規制して、一般に入手できる不健康な食品の量を減らすこともできます。
友人 friends
Is it better to have many friends or just a few close ones?
回答例: I think it’s a personal preference. Some people are more extroverted and thrive on social interactions with a large number of friends. However, others prefer having a few close friends with whom they can share deeper connections and mutual understanding.
広告 advertisement
How does advertising influence people’s purchasing decisions?
回答例: Advertising can significantly influence purchasing decisions. Through clever marketing strategies, companies can create a need or desire for their products, highlighting their features and benefits. However, savvy consumers are also aware that ads often exaggerate and can be misleading.
回答例: 広告は、購買の意思決定に大きな影響を与えることができます。企業は、巧みなマーケティング戦略によって、製品の特徴や利点を強調し、製品に対するニーズや欲求を作り出すことができます。しかし、経験豊富な消費者は、広告がしばしば誇張され、誤解を招くことがあることも知っています。
IELTS スピーキングパート3 具体的な例題と回答例
Example question 1:
‘What do you think are the most important issues in your country?’
Sample answer:
In my country of origin, I consider education to be the most important issue. Education is crucial for an individual’s career and future development. For example, my parents did not have access to education and we, my brothers and sisters, struggled to get the opportunities they did not have. I myself have been able to have more options for my future career and life, thanks to the access to a good quality education.
Example 2:
‘What do you think are the most important qualifications for young people?’
Example answer:
We believe that a university degree is the most important qualification for young people. A university degree is an important factor in increasing employment options and future earnings. For example, my friend’s degree in business administration gave him the opportunity to become a board member of a major company. I myself was able to gain an advantage in my job search thanks to my university degree.
Example 3:
‘Where is the most memorable place you have travelled to?’
Sample answer:
The most memorable place I visited was New York City. New York City is a city of many attractions, from its historical landmarks and cultural institutions to its delicious food. I was particularly impressed by a walk in Central Park. Central Park was a quiet place away from the hustle and bustle and surrounded by nature. I was also able to see iconic buildings such as Times Square and the Empire State Building, which gave me a sense of the historical elements of the USA.

