




IELTS 7.0 (スピーキング・リーディング7.5)
普通教員免許 英語(中学・高校)保持



  • 語彙力を向上させる
  • 文法を正確に理解する
  • 構文を活用する
  • 自分の意見や提案を明確に表現できるように練習する
  • 時事問題や社会問題に関する知識を身につける

特に小・中学生で英検準一級を目指す場合、英検2級に比べてトピックの多くが難しくなじみのないものになるので、日頃からの練習が大事です。また、簡単なニュース記事などを読んで日頃から自分の意見を持っておくことが重要です。小・中学生でも読みやすい下のNHK easyニュースがおすすめ。



Introduction (序論)


Body Paragraphs (本文)


Conclusion (結論)



英検準一級 英作文例題20


●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
●Use Two of the Points below to support your answer.
●Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion
●Suggested length: 120-150 words

Example 1: Do you think individual actions can effectively tackle environmental issues?
points: climate change, recycling, deforestation, renewable energy

Example 2: Do you believe better public transportation can alleviate traffic congestion in your region?
Points: public transportation, carpooling, urban planning, bicycle lanes

Example 3: Do you think the advantages of online education outweigh the disadvantages?
Points: accessibility, digital divide, self-paced learning, social interaction

Example 4: Do you believe sports have positive social effects?
Points: teamwork, physical health, community bonding, sportsmanship

Example 5: Do you think flexible working hours can lead to diverse working styles?
Points: flexible hours, remote work, work-life balance, job-sharing

Example 6: Do you think international marriages have more pros or cons?
Points: cultural exchange, language barriers, legal issues, family dynamics

Example 7: Do you believe mandatory voting would encourage political participation among young people?
Points: civic education, youth engagement, social media, voting system

Example 8: Do you think technology has a positive or negative impact on the workforce?
Points: automation, reskilling, remote work, economy

Example 9: Do you believe maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires a strict daily routine?
Points: physical exercise, balanced diet, stress management, sleep

Example 10: Do you think international cooperation is essential in combating climate change?
Points: emission reduction, technology transfer, policy coordination, climate finance

Example 11: Do you believe improving sustainability in the tourism industry is achievable?
Points: eco-tourism, waste management, local community involvement, cultural preservation

Example 12: Do you think the impact of social media on society is primarily positive or negative?
Points: communication, misinformation, privacy concerns, online harassment

Example 13: Do you believe that an aging society will face more significant challenges in elderly care?
Points: long-term care, healthcare system, aging population, caregiver support

Example 14: Do you think businesses should take more responsibility in reducing food waste?
Points: food waste reduction, composting, consumer awareness, corporate responsibility

Example 15: Do you believe that mental health support should be more accessible for the working-age population?
Points: mental health resources, workplace policies, stress reduction, employee assistance programs

Example 16: Do you think achieving gender equality within the household is possible?
Points: gender roles, work-life balance, shared responsibilities, parental leave

Example 17: Do you believe that urban planning can effectively address overcrowding in urban areas?
Points: urban density, green spaces, housing policies, infrastructure development

Example 18: Do you think young people play a crucial role in revitalizing rural areas?
Points: entrepreneurship, education, community development, rural revitalization

Example 19: Do you believe current energy policies are sufficient to achieve a decarbonized society?
Points: carbon pricing, renewable energy, energy efficiency, climate policies

Example 20: Do you think that building disaster-resilient communities should be a top priority for governments?
Points: disaster preparedness, resilient infrastructure, community planning, early warning systems



Example 1: Do you think individual actions can effectively tackle environmental issues?

Introduction: I believe that individual actions can effectively tackle environmental issues such as climate change and deforestation. Small, conscious choices by individuals can contribute to the global effort against these problems.

Body Paragraph 1: By adopting eco-friendly habits, individuals can directly impact climate change. For instance, using energy-efficient appliances, consuming less meat, and reducing single-use plastics can lower one’s carbon footprint. Furthermore, supporting green energy initiatives like solar and wind power helps transition to a more sustainable future.

Body Paragraph 2: Individuals can also combat deforestation by making informed consumer choices. Choosing products with sustainable certifications, such as FSC-approved paper and wood items, can help protect forests. Additionally, supporting reforestation efforts by planting trees and raising awareness contributes to forest preservation.

Conclusion: In conclusion, individual actions, though small, can effectively address environmental issues like climate change and deforestation. By making responsible choices and advocating for sustainable practices, we can collectively create a greener and healthier planet.







Example 2: Do you believe better public transportation can alleviate traffic congestion in your region?

Introduction: While public transportation and bicycle lanes may seem like effective solutions to alleviate traffic congestion, I believe they are insufficient on their own to address the issue in my region.

Body Paragraph 1: In my region, the existing public transportation system is not reliable enough to encourage people to use it as an alternative to driving. Buses and trains often experience delays, making it difficult for commuters to rely on them for timely travel. Additionally, the coverage of the public transportation network is limited, leaving many areas inaccessible without a personal vehicle.

Body Paragraph 2: Bicycle lanes, while beneficial for promoting healthier and greener transportation options, are not a practical solution for all commuters. Many people live too far away from their workplaces, making it unrealistic to bike daily. Moreover, adverse weather conditions and safety concerns can deter potential cyclists from using bike lanes regularly.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while public transportation and bicycle lanes have their merits, they alone cannot sufficiently alleviate traffic congestion in my region. A comprehensive approach, including infrastructure improvements and flexible work arrangements, is required to effectively address the issue.








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