

英検準1級 英作文の要約リニューアル




○ 学習指導要領では、小・中・高等学校を通して1.各学校段階の学びを円滑に接続させる、2.「英語を使って何ができるようになるか」という観点から一貫した教育目標(4技能に係る具体的な指標の形式の目標を含む)を示す(資料参照)。(具体的な学習到達目標は各学校が設定する)。
○ 高等学校卒業時に、生涯にわたり4技能を積極的に使えるようになる英語力を身に付けることを目指す。
あわせて、生徒の英語力の目標を設定し、調査による把握・分析を行い、きめ細かな指導改善・充実、生徒の学習意欲の向上につなげる。これまでに設定されている英語力の目標(中学校卒業段階:英検3級程度以上、高等学校卒業段階:英検準2級程度~2級程度以上を達成した中高生の割合50%)だけでなく、高校生の特性・進路等に応じて、高校卒業段階で、例えば英検2級から準1級、TOEFL iBT60点前後以上等を設定し、生徒の多様な英語力の把握・分析・改善を行うことが必要。
小学校 :中学年から外国語活動を開始し、音声に慣れ親しませながら、コミュニケーション能力の素地を養う。高学年では身近なことについて基本的な表現によって「聞く」「話す」に加え、積極的に「読む」「書く」の態度の育成を含めたコミュニケーション能力の基礎を養う。そのため、学習に系統性を持たせるため教科として行うことが適当。小学校の外国語教育に係る授業時数や位置付けなどは、今後、教育課程全体の議論の中で更に専門的に検討。
中学校 :身近な話題についての理解や表現、簡単な情報交換ができるコミュニケーション能力を養う。文法訳読に偏ることなく、互いの考えや気持ちを英語で伝え合う学習を重視する。
文部科学省 https://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/shingi/chousa/shotou/102/houkoku/attach/1352464.htm



Instructions: Read the article below and summarize it in your own words
as far as possible in English.
Suggested length: 60-70 words
Write your summary in the space provided on your answer sheet. Any
writing outside the space will not be graded.
From the 1980s to the early 2000s, many national museums in Britain were charging their visitors entrance fees. The newly elected government, however, was supportive of the arts. It introduced a landmark policy to provide financial aid to museums so that they would drop their entrance fees. As a result, entrance to many national museums, including the Natural History Museum, became free of charge.
Supporters of the policy said that as it would widen access to national museums, it would have significant benefits. People, regardless of their education or income, would have the opportunity to experience the large collections of artworks in museums and learn about the country’s cultural history.
Although surveys indicated that visitors to national museums that became free increased by an average of 70 percent after the policy’s introduction, critics claimed the policy was not completely successful. This increase, they say, mostly consisted of the same people visiting museums many times. Additionally, some independent museums with entrance fees said the policy negatively affected them. Their visitor numbers decreased because people were visiting national museums to avoid paying fees, causing the independent museums to struggle financially.





- 文章の主張を読み取る: 原文の中心的となるテーマや主張を理解します。
- 主要情報をみのがさない: 主要なポイント、事実、および中心的となる考えをみつけます。
- いらない情報は省略: 大事ではないと思われる細かい情報や例、逸話などは省略しましょう。でもそれが中心となる考えを伝えるのに必要な時は残しましょう。
- 言い換え: 元の意味が変わらない程度で、自分の言葉で情報を伝えます。直接引用は避けましょう。
- 論理的な流れをキープ: 論理的な流れで要約を書きましょう。
- 内容を簡約化: 原文の主張を語数を少なめにして表現します。
- 客観的: 客観的な文であることを心がけましょう。自分の意見や考えを書いてはいけません。
- 正確さ: 要約が原文から大事な情報を正確に書けているかチェックします。
- キーワードを入れる: 原文の中に具体的な用語や専門用語があれば、それは要約に取り入れるようにします。
- 見直しと修正: 要約を書いた後は、主要なポイントを効果的に伝えているか確認し、簡潔にわかりやすく書けているか誤字脱字などがないか見直しましょう。


英検準1級 英作文 要約予想問題 指導歴30年のプロがズバリ予想


Global warming is a pressing environmental challenge that demands urgent attention and collective action. The Earth’s average temperature has been steadily rising due to human activities, primarily the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. This warming trend poses severe consequences for the planet’s ecosystems, weather patterns, and overall climate stability.
One significant driver of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels for energy production. As industries and transportation heavily rely on these fuels, vast amounts of greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, creating a thickening blanket that traps heat. This leads to the gradual but persistent warming of the Earth.
The impacts of global warming are far-reaching and devastating. Melting ice caps and glaciers contribute to rising sea levels, threatening coastal communities and low-lying islands. Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires, become more frequent and intense, causing widespread damage to both natural and human-made environments.
To address this crisis, global cooperation is essential. Nations must transition to sustainable energy sources, implement rigorous emission reduction policies, and invest in climate-resilient infrastructure. Additionally, raising awareness and promoting environmentally friendly practices on an individual level can contribute to mitigating the effects of global warming. The time to act is now, as the consequences of inaction will be felt by current and future generations.
Global warming, driven by human activities emitting greenhouse gases, poses urgent threats. The rise in Earth’s average temperature leads to melting ice, rising sea levels, and increased frequency of extreme weather events. Addressing this crisis requires a global shift to sustainable energy, strict emission reduction policies, and climate-resilient infrastructure. Individual efforts in promoting eco-friendly practices are crucial. Immediate action is imperative to mitigate the far-reaching consequences for current and future generations.


Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England, is an iconic and enigmatic archaeological site. Composed of massive standing stones arranged in a circular pattern, its construction dates back to around 3000 BCE. The purpose of Stonehenge remains a subject of scholarly debate, with theories ranging from an ancient astronomical observatory to a ceremonial or religious site. The monument’s unique design, featuring towering sarsen stones and smaller bluestones, showcases remarkable engineering skill by ancient civilizations. Over the centuries, Stonehenge has captivated imaginations and attracted countless visitors, drawing attention to its mysterious origins. Despite extensive research, many aspects of its history and the cultural practices associated with it remain shrouded in mystery, adding to the allure of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Stonehenge continues to stand as a testament to the ingenuity of early societies and remains a symbol of both archaeological wonder and spiritual intrigue.
Stonehenge, in Wiltshire, England, a prehistoric monument with massive stones arranged in a circular pattern, built around 3000 BCE, purpose debated. Its unique design showcases ancient engineering. Despite research, its history and cultural practices remain mysterious. Stonehenge stands as a testament to early societies’ ingenuity, symbolizing archaeological wonder and spiritual intrigue.


Charlie Chaplin, the iconic English actor, comedian, and filmmaker, left an indelible mark on the world of cinema during the silent film era. Born in 1889, his character “The Tramp” became a global symbol of resilience and optimism in the face of adversity. Chaplin’s films, such as “City Lights” and “Modern Times,” seamlessly blended humor with poignant social commentary, addressing issues like industrialization and inequality. His unique ability to convey deep emotions without uttering a word made him a cinematic genius. Despite facing controversies in his personal life, Chaplin’s contributions to the film industry earned him numerous accolades. His legacy endures as a pioneer of cinematic art, a cultural icon, and a timeless entertainer whose work continues to captivate audiences worldwide.
Charlie Chaplin, born in 1889, left an indelible mark on cinema. His character “The Tramp” symbolized resilience. Films like “City Lights” blended humor and social commentary, addressing industrialization and inequality. Chaplin’s silent performances showcased cinematic genius, earning him accolades despite personal controversies. His legacy endures as a cinematic pioneer and timeless entertainer, captivating audiences globally.
チャーリー・チャップリンは、サイレント映画時代における英国の伝説的な俳優、コメディアン、映画監督で、映画界に不滅の足跡を残しました。1889年生まれ、彼のキャラクター「トランプ」は逆境に立ち向かう強靭さと楽観主義の象徴となりました。チャップリンの映画「City Lights」や「Modern Times」は、ユーモアと社会的なコメントが見事に調和し、産業化や不平等などの問題に触れました。彼が言葉を発さずに深い感情を伝える独特の能力は、彼を映画の天才にしました。個人生活で論争に直面したにもかかわらず、チャップリンの映画界への貢献は多くの賞を受賞しました。彼の遺産は、映画芸術の先駆者、文化的なアイコン、そして作品が今もなお世界中の観客を引きつけ続ける不朽のエンターテイナーとして続いています。
1889年生まれのチャーリー・チャップリンは、映画に不可欠な足跡を残しました。彼のキャラクター「トランプ」は、逆境に対する回復力の象徴でした。『City Lights』などの映画では、ユーモアと社会的なコメントが工業化や不平等に対処しています。チャップリンの無声の演技は、映画の天才を示し、個人的な論争にもかかわらず数々の賞を受賞しました。彼の遺産は、映画のパイオニアであり、世界中の観客を引き込み続ける時代を超えたエンターテイナーとして続いています。

Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Scotland, Loch Ness is renowned for its mystique, captivating visitors with both natural beauty and a legendary creature said to inhabit its depths—the Loch Ness Monster, affectionately known as Nessie. With a surface area of about 56 square kilometers, Loch Ness is the second-largest Scottish loch by surface area and contains more water than all the lakes in England and Wales combined. The lake’s dark and deep waters, reaching depths of approximately 230 meters, add to the aura of mystery surrounding it.
Loch Ness attracts not only monster enthusiasts but also nature lovers drawn to its scenic shores and surrounding hills. The area is rich in history, featuring the ruins of Urquhart Castle on its banks, which adds a touch of medieval charm to the landscape. Whether exploring the myths of Nessie, admiring the breathtaking scenery, or delving into the region’s historical treasures, Loch Ness continues to be a destination that captures the imagination and curiosity of visitors from around the globe.
Loch Ness in Scotland, known for Nessie, offers natural beauty. Second-largest Scottish loch, it intrigues with deep, dark waters and historic sites like Urquhart Castle. Drawing both monster enthusiasts and nature lovers, Loch Ness captivates with its mystique and scenic allure, making it a global destination of imagination and curiosity.

Canada’s enchanting Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis, cast a spell on the night sky, painting it with vivid colors and crafting a captivating spectacle. This celestial marvel unfolds as charged solar particles engage with the Earth’s magnetic field, resulting in a symphony of hues in polar areas. Canada’s expansive wilderness, notably in regions like the Yukon and Northwest Territories, provides the perfect backdrop for observing this cosmic ballet. Visitors revel in the mesmerizing display of swirling green, pink, and purple lights gracing the northern horizon, establishing the Canadian Arctic as an unparalleled destination to witness the enchantment of the Aurora Borealis. The dance of lights over the vast Canadian landscape becomes a transcendent experience, blending natural beauty with celestial wonder, making it an unforgettable journey for those seeking the magic of the Northern Lights.
Canada’s Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis, mesmerize with vivid colors. In regions like Yukon and Northwest Territories, the expansive wilderness offers an unparalleled backdrop for this cosmic ballet. Visitors witness a captivating display of swirling lights, making the Canadian Arctic an unforgettable destination for the magic of the Aurora Borealis.
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