




IELTS 7.0 (スピーキング・リーディング7.5)
普通教員免許 英語(中学・高校)保持









The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China, known as Wanli no Choujou, boasts a history that spans over two millennia. Construction of the wall began in the 7th century BC during the Warring States period when various Chinese states erected barriers to defend against invasions. The most well-known sections were built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD) as a defense mechanism against Mongol invasions.

Extending over 13,000 miles across northern China, the Great Wall is a colossal architectural marvel. Initially built with earth and other materials, ( 1 ) during the Ming Dynasty, featuring bricks and stones, watchtowers, garrison stations, and beacon towers. Emperor Qin Shi Huang played a crucial role in its early consolidation during the 3rd century BC, connecting existing walls to form a unified defense system.

( 2 ) its imposing appearance, the Great Wall was not impervious, and invaders breached its defenses over the centuries. During the Ming Dynasty, it served not only as a physical barrier but also controlled trade and immigration. As military tactics evolved with gunpowder, the wall’s strategic importance diminished. Subsequent dynasties saw its neglect, leading to sections falling into disrepair.

In the 20th century, parts of the Great Wall ( 3 ). However, it remains an enduring symbol of China’s rich history and cultural heritage. Tourists worldwide visit this iconic landmark, marveling at its architectural grandeur and the landscapes it traverses. The Great Wall stands as a testament to the ancient Chinese people’s ingenuity and determination to safeguard their civilization from external threats.

  1. 1. it underwent significant improvements
    2. it was completely destroyed by non-believers.
    3. its strategic importance diminished with evolving military tactics.
    4. it led to the deterioration of some sections of the Great Wall.
  2. 1. Despite 2. Instead of 3.Except for 4. Thanks to
  3. 1. suffered damage from natural erosion and human activities
    2. cherished the timeless beauty of this architectural marvel, standing proud against the passage of ages
    3. stood tall, a testament to the architectural flourish that defines the Wall’s grandeur.
    4. though devastated, holds the promise of a brighter future as it bravely confronts the challenges ahead.


The Gobi Desert: A Tapestry of Nature and Culture

The Gobi Desert, spanning northern China and southern Mongolia, is a vast canvas of natural wonders and cultural significance. Covering over 1.2 million square kilometers, its diverse landscape ranges from towering sand dunes to rocky plateaus and rugged mountains.

Geologically, the Gobi showcases the transformative power of time. The Khongoryn Els, towering sand dunes sculpted by wind over centuries, create a mesmerizing vista. These shifting landscapes reflect the desert’s dynamic nature, evolving continuously.

Culturally, the Gobi holds historical importance as a crucial Silk Road corridor, connecting East and West. Ancient trade routes, marked by caravanserais and forts, stand testament to the desert’s role in ( 1 ). In Mongolian culture, it is integral, shaping folklore and identity for nomadic tribes like the Gobi herders.

Despite its harsh appearance, the Gobi teems with life, exemplifying the resilience of organisms in extreme conditions. The Gobi bear, adapted to the desert’s challenges, and the Bactrian camel, a symbol of adaptation, thrive amidst scarcity.

( 2 ), the Gobi faces conservation challenges, including climate change, overgrazing, and mining activities. Preserving this delicate ecosystem is crucial to maintaining its unique biodiversity and cultural heritage.

In conclusion, the Gobi Desert is not merely a vast expanse of sand; it is a living testament to the interplay between nature and human history. Its beauty, resilience, and cultural significance make it ( 3 ). As we marvel at its wonders, let us also strive to protect the Gobi, ensuring it remains a timeless tapestry for generations to come.

  1. 1. facilitating commerce across the ages
    2. serving as a gateway to our shared human history
    3. paving the way for a deeper understanding of the past
    4. practiceing of modern societies to better interpret past behaviors
  2. 1. Namely
    2. As a result
    3. However
    4. Similarly to
  3. 1. mirage that dances on the horizon
    2. a global treasure that warrants careful conservation
    3. silence echoes in the vastness.
    4. survival demands adaptation
¥2,255 (2024/03/05 09:50時点 | Yahooショッピング調べ)


Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina, a timeless literary masterpiece penned by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy, stands as a profound exploration of love, society, and the human condition. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century Russia, the novel intricately weaves the lives of its characters, with Anna’s tragic tale at the forefront.

At its core, Anna Karenina is a poignant reflection on the complexities of love and the societal norms that govern it. Anna’s forbidden affair with the dashing Count Vronsky challenges the rigid moral codes of Russian aristocracy, exposing the hypocrisy and constraints of societal expectations. Tolstoy skillfully dissects the consequences of passion and the profound impact of societal judgment on individual lives.

The character of Anna herself is a fascinating study. Her internal conflicts, the tumultuous emotions, and the societal ostracization she faces resonate with readers across time and cultures. Tolstoy’s portrayal of Anna goes beyond a mere love story; it becomes a profound exploration of the human psyche, highlighting the fragility of human relationships and the consequences of choices made in the pursuit of personal fulfillment.

The novel’s parallel narrative involving the moral dilemmas faced by Konstantin Levin adds depth and richness to the narrative. Levin’s existential quest for meaning and happiness in the simplicity of rural life stands in stark contrast to Anna’s tumultuous urban existence. Tolstoy, through Levin, delves into philosophical and existential themes, creating a nuanced exploration of the human experience.

The vivid portrayal of Russian society during this period is another hallmark of Anna Karenina. Tolstoy provides a meticulous examination of the societal structures, norms, and class distinctions, offering readers a window into the cultural and historical context of 19th-century Russia. The novel becomes a tapestry that not only tells a personal story but also serves as a social commentary on the broader canvas of Russian society.

The enduring appeal of Anna Karenina lies in its universal themes and timeless characters. Tolstoy’s masterful storytelling and profound insights into the human condition transcend cultural and temporal boundaries, making the novel a classic that continues to captivate readers worldwide. Anna Karenina, with its intricate plot, rich characterizations, and exploration of profound themes, remains a literary gem that invites readers to reflect on the complexities of love, morality, and the human experience.

1.How does Tolstoy use the characters of Anna and Levin in “Anna Karenina”?
a. Both characters engage in a political power struggle
b. They have similar perspectives on love and societal expectations
c. They provide contrasting views on love, society, and the human condition
d. Levin mirrors Anna’s choices and experiences

2.In what way does “Anna Karenina” serve as a social commentary?
a. By promoting a utopian vision of society
b. Through meticulous portrayal of societal structures, norms, and class distinctions
c. By avoiding any critique of societal norms
d. Focusing solely on individual experiences without broader societal implications

3.What contributes to the enduring appeal of “Anna Karenina”?
a. Lack of exploration of universal themes
b. Narrow focus on a single character’s perspective
c. Masterful storytelling, rich characterizations, and exploration of profound themes
d. Disregard for historical and cultural context

英検準1級 解答









1 答え1

  1. それは重要な改良を経験しました。
  2. 非信者によって完全に破壊されました。
  3. 軍事戦術の進化とともにその戦略的重要性は低下しました。
  4. それは万里の長城の一部の劣化をもたらしました。

2 答え1

  1. Despite (そのにもかかわらず)
  2. Instead of (~の代わりに)
  3. Except for (~を除いて)
  4. Thanks to (~のおかげで)

3 答え2

  1. 自然浸食と人為的な活動によって損傷を受けました。
  2. この建築の驚異の時代を超えた美を大切にしました。
  3. 長城の壮大さを定義する建築の華やかさを示すものとして、そのまま立ち続けました。
  4. 荒廃したものの、勇敢に未来の挑戦に立ち向かう約束を秘めています。









1 答え1

  1. それは重要な改良を経験しました。
  2. 非信者によって完全に破壊されました。
  3. 軍事戦術の進化とともにその戦略的重要性は低下しました。
  4. それは万里の長城の一部の劣化をもたらしました。

2 答え 3

  1. Despite (~にもかかわらず)
  2. Instead of (~の代わりに)
  3. However (しかしながら)
  4. Thanks to (~のおかげで)

3 答え 2

  1. 自然浸食と人為的な活動によって損傷を受けました。
  2. 時代を超えたこの建築の驚異の美を大切にしました。
  3. 長大なる壁の壮大さを定義する建築の華やかさの証として、誇り高く立ちました。
  4. 荒廃しているものの、前向きに未来の課題に立ち向かう勇気を持って、より明るい未来への約束を抱えています。












a. 両方のキャラクターが政治的な権力闘争に従事している
b. 彼らは愛と社会の期待について似たような視点を持っている
c. 彼らは愛、社会、人間の状態について対照的な意見を提供している
d. レヴィンはアンナの選択と経験を模倣している

1. 回答: c. 彼らは愛、社会、人間の状態について対照的な意見を提供している


a. 社会の理想的なビジョンを促進することによって
b. 社会の構造、規範、階級の違いを入念に描写することによって
c. 社会的な規範に対する批判を避けることによって d. 個々の経験に広がりのある社会的な影響を持たずに焦点を当てることによって

2. 回答: b. 社会の構造、規範、階級の違いを入念に描写することによって


a. 普遍的なテーマの探求の不足
b. 単一のキャラクターの視点に焦点を当てすぎること
c. 優れた語り口、豊かなキャラクター描写、深遠なテーマの探求
d. 歴史的および文化的な文脈を無視すること

3.回答: c. 優れた語り口、豊かなキャラクター描写、深遠なテーマの探求

英検準1級 無料問題 まとめ



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