【2024年最新版】IELTS Speaking Part 3: 20の例題とバンド 6.5の答え方








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  • How important is it for children to learn a foreign language?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a multicultural society?
  • How has technology changed the way we communicate with each other?
  • Should parents be responsible for their children’s online safety?
  • How does globalization affect the job market?
  • What are the main environmental problems in your country?
  • Should governments invest more in public transport?
  • What role does advertising play in our daily lives?
  • How important is it to maintain cultural traditions in a rapidly changing world?
  • How does social media influence our perception of reality?
  • Are celebrities good role models for young people?
  • How can we encourage more people to live a healthy lifestyle?
  • Should there be more restrictions on using smartphones in public places?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of working from home?
  • How can we preserve our planet for future generations?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of online education?
  • How has tourism impacted your country?
  • How do movies and TV shows shape our culture and values?
  • How can we reduce the gap between rich and poor?
  • What role does teamwork play in the workplace?

【保存版】IELTSスピーキングパート3例題 答え方


Question 1:How important is it for children to learn a foreign language?
Learning a foreign language is quite important for children, as it helps them develop their cognitive abilities and communication skills. Moreover, it exposes them to different cultures and broadens their horizons. However, it’s also essential to ensure that they don’t feel overwhelmed by the learning process and have a balanced education.

Question 2:What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a multicultural society?
Living in a multicultural society has both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, it promotes cultural exchange, tolerance, and understanding among different communities. People can learn from each other’s customs and traditions, which can enrich their lives. However, on the negative side, it may sometimes lead to conflicts and misunderstandings due to cultural differences, and it may be challenging for some individuals to adapt to the diverse environment.

Question 3:How has technology changed the way we communicate with each other?
Technology has dramatically changed the way we communicate with each other. On one hand, it has made it easier for us to stay connected with friends and family members through various online platforms and messaging apps. On the other hand, it has also led to a decrease in face-to-face interactions, which can result in a lack of personal touch and empathy in our relationships.

Question 4:Should parents be responsible for their children’s online safety?
Parents should indeed be responsible for their children’s online safety, as the internet can be a dangerous place for young and vulnerable users. They should monitor their children’s online activities, educate them about the potential risks, and set boundaries to protect them from harmful content and interactions. However, it’s also essential to strike a balance between protecting their children and giving them enough freedom to explore and learn.

Question 5:How does globalization affect the job market?
Globalization has both positive and negative effects on the job market. On the positive side, it creates new job opportunities and encourages economic growth. Companies can access a larger pool of talent, and individuals can find jobs abroad or work remotely. On the negative side, it can lead to job losses in some sectors due to outsourcing and increased competition, as well as a growing income inequality between skilled and unskilled workers.

Question 6:What are the main environmental problems in your country?
The main environmental problems in my country include air pollution, deforestation, and water scarcity. Air pollution results from industrial activities and vehicle emissions, posing serious health risks to the population. Deforestation is driven by the expansion of agricultural lands and urbanization, which leads to habitat loss and contributes to climate change. Water scarcity is caused by increased demand, pollution, and poor water management practices, which threaten the availability of clean water for the population.

Question 7:Should governments invest more in public transport?
Governments should invest more in public transport to reduce traffic congestion, decrease air pollution, and provide affordable and accessible transportation options for all citizens. Investing in public transport can also create jobs, boost the economy, and contribute to a more sustainable and livable urban environment. However, it’s crucial to ensure that the investment is well-spent on efficient, reliable, and user-friendly systems.

Question 8: What role does advertising play in our daily lives?
Advertising plays a significant role in our daily lives by informing us about new products and services, shaping our preferences, and influencing our purchasing decisions. While it can be beneficial in helping us make informed choices, it can also lead to consumerism, creating unrealistic expectations and promoting materialistic values. It’s essential to be aware of the persuasive techniques used in advertising and make conscious decisions about what we buy and support.

Question 9:How important is it to maintain cultural traditions in a rapidly changing world?
Maintaining cultural traditions in a rapidly changing world is essential for preserving a sense of identity and continuity. Cultural traditions provide a connection to our ancestors and help us understand our roots. However, it’s also important to adapt and evolve with the times, integrating new ideas and technologies without losing the essence of our cultural heritage.

Question 10:How does social media influence our perception of reality?
Social media has both positive and negative effects on our perception of reality. On one hand, it provides us with easy access to information and helps us stay connected with friends and family. On the other hand, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and create unrealistic expectations, as people often post only the highlights of their lives, creating a distorted image of reality.

Question 11:Are celebrities good role models for young people?
Celebrities can be both good and bad role models for young people. Some celebrities use their fame and influence to promote positive values, support charitable causes, and raise awareness about important issues. However, others may engage in risky or harmful behaviors, which can negatively influence impressionable young fans. It’s crucial for young people to learn to differentiate between positive and negative role models and make informed choices about whom they admire and follow.

Question 12: How can we encourage more people to live a healthy lifestyle?
To encourage more people to live a healthy lifestyle, we can promote the benefits of regular exercise,a balanced diet, and stress management through various channels, such as media campaigns, educational programs, and community initiatives. Governments and businesses can also invest in creating safe and accessible spaces for physical activities, such as parks, bike lanes, and sports facilities. Additionally, making healthy food options more affordable and available can help people make better choices for their well-being.

Question 13:Should there be more restrictions on using smartphones in public places?
There should be more restrictions on using smartphones in public places to minimize disruptions and promote a more considerate environment. Excessive smartphone use can lead to inattentiveness, accidents, and negative social interactions. For example, implementing rules that prohibit smartphone use in theaters, restaurants, or while driving can enhance public safety and improve the overall experience for everyone. However, it’s important to strike a balance between regulating smartphone use and respecting individual freedom.

Question 14:What are the advantages and disadvantages of working from home?
Working from home offers several advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, it can provide greater flexibility, reduce commuting time, and improve work-life balance. It also allows employees to work in a comfortable environment and can lead to increased productivity. On the negative side, working from home may result in feelings of isolation, blurred boundaries between work and personal life, and potential difficulties in communication and collaboration with colleagues. Companies should consider these factors when implementing remote work policies.

Question 15:How can we preserve our planet for future generations?
To preserve our planet for future generations, we must address pressing environmental issues such as climate change, deforestation, and plastic pollution. This involves transitioning to renewable energy sources, promoting sustainable agriculture and forestry practices, and reducing waste and pollution. Governments, businesses, and individuals all have a role to play in adopting eco-friendly practices, raising awareness, and supporting policies that protect the environment.

Question 16:What are the benefits and drawbacks of online education?
Online education has both benefits and drawbacks. On the positive side, it offers flexibility, accessibility, and a wide range of learning resources, making education more inclusive for learners with different needs and circumstances. On the negative side, it can result in a lack of personal interaction, reduced motivation, and potential technical difficulties. It’s essential to find a balance between online and traditional education to provide the best learning experience for students.

Question 17:How has tourism impacted your country?
Tourism has had both positive and negative impacts on my country. On one hand, it has boosted the economy, created jobs, and promoted cultural exchange. On the other hand, it has also led to overcrowding, environmental degradation, and the commodification of local cultures. It’s crucial to promote responsible and sustainable tourism practices to minimize the negative effects while maximizing the benefits.

Question 18:How do movies and TV shows shape our culture and values?
Movies and TV shows have a significant impact on our culture and values. They can help raise awareness about social issues and promote positive values, such as empathy and compassion. However, they can also perpetuate stereotypes and reinforce negative behaviors, which is why it’s important to consume media mindfully and critically.

Question 19:How can we reduce the gap between rich and poor?
To reduce the gap between rich and poor, governments can implement progressive taxation systems, invest in education and healthcare, and provide social safety nets for vulnerable populations. Additionally, promoting equal opportunities, supporting small businesses, and encouraging fair trade practices can contribute to a more equitable distribution of wealth. It’s essential for governments, businesses, and individuals to work together to address income inequality and create a more just society.

Question 20:What role does teamwork play in the workplace?
Teamwork plays a vital role in the workplace, as it promotes collaboration, communication, and innovation. When employees work together, they can combine their strengths, learn from each other, and find creative solutions to problems. Encouraging a culture of teamwork in the workplace can lead to increased productivity, employee satisfaction, and a more positive work environment.


ielts スピーキング パート3 例題 まとめ


IELTS Speaking Part 3の準備には、様々なトピックを十分に理解し、自分の意見を明確かつ首尾一貫して表現する能力が必要です。これらのサンプル問題で練習し、Band6.5の解答を研究することで、スキルを向上させ、実際のテストへの自信を高めることができます。Practice makes perfect(実践は完璧をもたらす)ということを忘れずに、語学力を磨き、IELTS試験に向けて頑張ってください!

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