
アイエルツ・スピーキング 8つのコツ

- 明確に話し、フルセンテンスで答える。
- 下ばかり向かず、試験管の目を見て答えるようにする。
- 聞かれた質問が理解できない場合は、もう一度繰り返してもらう。
- パート2で話す内容を考える時間を取る(各質問のキーワードを書くのに30秒、残りの30秒は回答の流れを頭で考える練習をする)
- 使用する単語やフレーズを変え同じ言葉ばかり使わないようにする。
- 面接中は、マナーを守り、試験管に敬意を払う。
- 話題には困らないよう様々なトピックについて練習しておく。
- 会話を楽しむ。





- 回答が短すぎる。
- イエス、ノーだけの答えで終わる。(常により詳しく話すようにしましょう)
- 他人のようにふるまおうとする。(できる限りリラックスして自分らしく質問に答えてください。)
- 話しすぎることを心配する(時間は、試験官が適切に導いてくれます。)
- 練習したとおり話そうとする。
- 主題から離れ過ぎてだらだら話す。
- 面接官の見た目にひるみ、緊張しすぎる。



トピック 名前
- And your name is…?
My name is Janice Joy Vrana. You can call me Joy for short.
- How did you get your name?
I got my name from my parents. It’s ACTUALLY a combination of the first names of parents’ mothers.
- Why do people change names?
There could be several reasons why a person would like to change his name. I BELIEVE it ULTIMATELY has something to do with one’s preference. Perhaps an INDIVIDUAL dislikes his given birth name because it’s too common, and would like it to be more unique. Or in OTHER INSTANCES, it could be due to some superstitious belief. FOR EXAMPLE/INSTANCE, in my case, I had to change my name from Damian to Angelo, because Damian actually means “demon”, and I felt like I’ve been having countless bad luck because of it. Now that I’ve changed it to Angelo, which means “angel”, I believe my luck has DEFINITELY turned out for the better.
トピック 英語学習について
- Why are you learning English?
I want to go to Canada to work/study, so it is important for me to learn it. MOREOVER, English is an internationally used language these days, so even if I travel to other foreign countries, LIKE Korea for instance, I will still be able to communicate with them SINCE I know that they have also learned the language.
- When did you first start learning English? / How long have you been learning English?
I started learning this language when I was in my primary education. The school used English as a medium of giving instructions and explaining lectures. NOT ONLY THAT, our books were also English, HENCE, we were expose to it, and were encouraged by our teachers to use it.
- Do you want to learn a new language?
DEFINITELY! Apart from English, I am also very interested to speak Japanese because I am fascinated by the Japanese culture and would love to travel there someday. IN ADDITION, I love watching Japanese animations and dramas. It would be easier for me to understand what the characters are saying without subtitles if I understand the language better.

トピック 家族について
- Describe your family.
WELL, I have two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. Both are still very young. My son is 2 and my daughter, WHO is the eldest is 6. They keep me busy, but they are my bundle of joy. My husband is an engineer working in a government agency here in our city, and we have a dog who has been in our family for 3 years. Her name is Kim, and she’s a Chihuahua . My family is everything to me, and I love them so much.
WELL, I have 3 older sisters and an older brother. All my siblings, except for me are happily married, and have families of their own. My parents are already retired senior citizens. My mother is 70, WHO is now just stays at home and keeps herself busy with house chores and her gardening. On the other hand, my father, WHO IS 74, still manages our small fruit business. I love living together with my parents, but sometimes I miss my siblings as well.
- Do you like going out with your family?
ABSOLUTELY! After a whole-week work, it would be relaxing for all of us to be going out and just have fun. We go to the beach, bring some food, and enjoy each other’s company. It’s always a pleasant time to be with them, because it surely reminds me of how life used to be when I was a kid.

【オンライン英会話で練習できる】スピーキングパート2 の例題
トピック テクノロジーについて
- Describe a technology you use that you couldn’t do without. You should talk about:
your attitude to technology generally
what the item of technology is you have chosen
why you couldn’t do without the item you’ve chosen
and how your life would be changed if you didn’t have this object. -
I will now talk about a technology that I constantly use, MORE SPECIFICALLY, THE INTERNET. I’m the type of person who is open-minded and welcomes change, and I would say the advancement of technology has been an EXTREMELY PLEASANT change for me. I feel like my day is not complete without using the internet because this tool is very useful for me in many ways. For example, when I need to research some work-related topics, I can easily browse the net, and get the necessary information for me to finish my task quickly. IN OTHER CASES, when I am idle or bored, I know I can rely on the internet to provide me some forms of entertainment, SUCH AS going to websites like Youtube or E-news online. Moreover, I can easily get in touch with my friends without spending much money on phone bills, just by sending them messages in social medias, or contacting them through messengers. Finally, I am up-to-date with the latest happenings around the globe. So as you can see, this technology is highly essential in my life, and without it, I believe my life would be dull, and I would have to do all my tasks the primitive way, which would be so inconvenient.

トピック 一緒に仕事・勉強したい人について
- Describing a person whom you like to work or study with. You should say,
Who is he/she?
When did you work/study together?
What do you often do together?
Why do you like to work with him/her?/ What can you learn from him/her?
Why is he/she particular? -
Let me tell you about a person whom I ENJOY studying with, and that is my best friend, Yulia. Yulia and I met during our first day at university. We were classmates back then, and I CLEARLY remember when I eyes met for the first time, it was like love at first site. She and I just hit it off immediately. We spent many of our time studying for our subjects at the school library or in each other’s houses or in cafes. For leisure, we loved watching movies in cinemas, eating out in restaurants, shopping for clothes ESPECIALLY when they are on sale, and just talking about anything we find interesting. I loved studying with her because TO BEGIN WITH, she’s a smart and organized girl. Every time we have a group study, she creates this effective agenda for us to follow to make sure that we were able to cover all the lessons we needed to study. Furthermore, Yulia would even make some question papers sometimes for us to work on, and AMAZINGLY, some of the questions she makes also come out during exams. I’m glad I met Yulia. There is never a dull moment with her. Not only is she my study buddy, but she’s my lifetime friend.
【オンライン英会話で練習できる】スピーキングパート3 の例題
- What kind of people do you think, are good to work with?
In my opinion, there are many qualities that can be considered for people who are good to work with. TO NAME A FEW, those who are responsible beings are very easy to DO TASKS with. People who are responsible do not need to be constantly reminded of what tasks to do and when the deadline is. They have their own initiative to do these themselves. ANOTHER ONE would be INDIVIDUALS who are SOCIAL. If I am to work with someone who is too introverted and isolated, I don’t think he would cooperate well with the group, and it would be difficult to understand what he is thinking since he doesn’t express his mind at work or during our free time. LASTLY, being organized is another aspect that I would consider since these people are experts in prioritizing their time and tasks. With these qualities, I believe doing a project will be a piece of cake.
- Is it important that everyone has equal access to technology?
CERTAINLY! I think it’s quite unfair how other countries, especially poor ones, don’t have access to technologies similar to advance countries. If everyone can have their equal share, I believe no one would become ignorant, have more knowledge, and can enjoy their life better.
- Could you describe some of the major roles technology plays in society?
Technology has ABSOLUTELY changed people’s way of living and it has also GREATLY affected our society. Convenience is one ultimate/biggest role technology has portrayed. For instance, approximately 30 year ago, people didn’t have the internet. People then had to rely on what they hear on the radio or television for them to get the latest news around the world, and usually, it wasn’t that updated compared to how we get instant news these days. Another point worth mentioning is the usage of washing machines. In the past, people had to wash their clothes manually. They had to squat for a long period of times and scrub their clothes with their bare hands. This was absolutely a tedious and exhausting job. Technology has furthermore made a great impact on how individuals communicate with one another. take for example smartphones and computers. Mobile phones are already good enough means of communicating instantly with people in local areas, but combine it with the internet, then it can connect with you with millions of people around the world. These technologies have made communicating easier and faster.


